Redecor FAQs

  • What is the Greenhouse Club?


    It’s a fun group event where Redecorators collaborate to grow plants and win fantastic rewards! While the event is live, you can choose to contribute to the team’s progress whenever you want

    How do I “grow” plants?


    1. Choose a plant
    2. Spin the Pinwheel to get Water Drops
    3. Use the Water Drops to help your plant grow!

    How do I get Pinwheels?


    While the event is live, Pinwheels are collected when you submit Designs. It’s simple – the more Designs you submit, the more Pinwheels you get!

    How do I earn rewards?


    By helping your teammates grow plants. To get the Final Reward your team will need to grow all the plants, and you’ll get rewards along the way!

    How are groups created?


    Groups are automatically assigned based on your recent activity in the game to create a balanced, fair, and fun experience for everyone involved

    Will everyone in the group get rewards even if they did not contribute?


    No, everyone needs to contribute Water Drops

    Can I choose my teammates?


    Not right now, but since teammates are assigned automatically it’s easy to jump straight into the fun!

    Does it matter which plant I contribute to?


    You can contribute to any plant in any order—it all adds to the team’s progress! If there’s a reward which interests you more, you can start with contributing to its plant

    How can I tell the plant’s growth progress?


    Click on the plant to see the full progression bar with all milestones. The default view shows a shorter version with info on how close you are to the nearest milestone!

    Are the rewards that I see what I get or what the group gets as a whole?


    The reward is what you get as an individual! But of course, you need to contribute the necessary amount to qualify for rewards

    Are the Water Drops something I need to collect alone, or is it a shared goal?


    The quantity of Water Drops that you see is what the entire team needs to achieve together

    How will I know how many Water Drops are needed until the next milestone is reached?


    You can click on any milestone prize on the bars and a tooltip with the number of drops will appear!

    What is the ‘Multiplier’ button?


    It’s a way to water the plants more efficiently! The higher the “cost,” the bigger the outcome. For example, if you use the 3x multiplier, you will be using 3x the Pinwheels & the outcome will be 3x the drops of water

    Why can’t I see the Greenhouse Club on my feed?


    If it’s not on your feed yet it is because the feature will be available to everyone shortly. Stay tuned for updates!