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Interview with Redecor employee

07th Apr 2023

Celebrating Redecor's 3rd Birthday with a Behind-the-Scenes Interview

3 cheers for 3 years! Meet Aino, a Redecor team lead and architect. She will tell us about the passion and creativity that fuel our team's commitment to delivering the best possible design experience (and maybe get the inside scoop on some trade secrets...). 

To commemorate Redecor’s 3rd birthday we decided to interview one of our beloved employees, Aino, who has been a part of the Redecor family for four years now – since before the game was even live!

For Aino, Redecor is more than just a workplace – it’s a home. Join us in reading about Aino’s experience at Redecor and learn what makes our team so unique and special.

1. We’re so excited to chat with you! Tell us a little bit about you- what do you like to do for fun? What was your work background before arriving at Redecor?

My name is Aino, I’m 26 years old and I live in Finland. During my free time, I like to go hiking out in nature, possibly even staying the night in the woods camping. I think it’s a wonderful way to unwind from the hustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature.

But when I’m at home, I definitely enjoy regular things, like watching TV, playing video games with my partner, and enjoying the Finnish tradition of saunas (I go to the sauna 4 times a week).

Before joining Redecor, I worked as an interior architect. My main focus was home renovations for private clients, specializing in luxurious and upscale designs.

2. Can you tell us about your role at Redecor and how you came to work there?

I’ve worked at Redecor for almost 4 years now. Nowadays I work as a Content Group Manager, managing the Live Content and Art Teams. My teams are responsible for creating amazing in-game content such as challenges, materials, and Seasons!

How I started is really simple: I noticed a job opening on LinkedIn and decided to apply. I’ve always been interested in the gaming industry and when I noticed that there is a possibility to combine interior design and gaming I was beyond excited.

3. Let’s take a walk down memory lane! What was the most exciting thing about starting to work at Redecor?

When I joined Redecor, the game was still in the beta testing phase which means that it wasn’t even released to the world yet. The most exciting thing was to get to work with super-talented 3D artists and game makers from such an early stage. I got to learn so many things about different topics and professional areas. I got to see Redecor grow which was amazing!

4. How has your position evolved over time?

I started as a 3D artist. I was creating the Redecor challenges, materials, and Seasons. Then after 1.5 years, I was promoted to be a Live Content Team Leader, and now I’ve been in my latest position as a group manager for a few months. I learn new things every year and I can’t wait to see what the future brings.

5. What’s the best part about working at Redecor?

The best part of working at Redecor is being able to combine my passion for interior design with my love for gaming. I get to work in a multicultural environment with talented and super fun people! I feel very attached to the game itself, it feels more than just work for me.

6. What is your favorite memory while working at Redecor?

Probably my favorite moments have been the times when we have released something new in the game. After working a long time on every project and finally being able to see the result released to the players is something that is never gonna lose its spark for me.

7. What’s your all-time favorite Collection?

My favorite Collections I use in the game on daily bases are the Vivid Knits Upholstery and Engraved Illustrations Wall Art Collections. They are very easy to use and fit with many different design styles. But I also must give a shout-out to one of my favorite new Collections: Imperial Floors, which makes any design look very elegant.

8. What was your favorite Season?

My favorite Season so far has been from October 2021, it was called “Idyllic Countryside”. It was a very cozy and charming Season with beautiful Items and Challenges. It reminded me of my summer cottage and my hiking adventures. I would like to bring back some of those items for new players to try out – I’m still working on that.

9. Is there a specific Item you feel you have a connection with?

There are many Items and Collections that I love, but If I had to pick just one, it would need to be the “Blooming Hydrangea” from The Hamptons Home Season, May 2022. It looks so nice in every design and must be my favorite of all the items in the Finishing Touches category.

10. What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to decorate their home?

My advice is to choose whatever you like and think is pretty. Don’t follow trends too much, because they come and go. Your home is your space, so you don’t need to think about what others think. The easiest way to start is to choose simple base colors and items with a timeless look and then add a little bit of spice with textiles and other smaller décor items!

11. How has Redecor evolved since you started working here?

It has evolved so much that I don’t even know where to start. I remember back in the day we used to publish only 3 Challenges per day. Think about it, you needed to wait 24 hours for more designs after you completed only 3. It sounds crazy now!

12. What do you love most about Redecor?

I love most the fact that it keeps evolving and becoming better and better. There will never be one ready and finished Redecor- it’s a project that I truly believe in and can’t wait to see what it becomes!

13. Can you give us a little peek at what’s coming next to Redecor?

My teams have been working nonstop to make sure that our players have some great surprises waiting for them ahead… We are going to have nice-looking new Collections and Seasons in the following months. The team has put a lot of effort into perfecting them! I’m personally mostly waiting for the June season because I’m already getting into that summer mood- and we are going to have a very fresh and exciting Season with a summerish vibe! I’m not sure how much I can say here, but I will add that there are some beautiful color palettes in the next Collections, from tiles to textiles and even walls! I can’t wait to see how the players will react!

We have a week full of fun activities planned for Redecor’s birthday celebration, and we can’t wait for you to join in the festivities! Let’s celebrate our beautiful community together and make this a week to remember.

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