
Join us and Dots.Eco in Saving Sea Turtles

08th Jun 2024

Honor the Ocean one Design & one Turtle at a time

Keep reading to learn how you can make a difference!

Dive into Ocean Week with Redecor and Dots.Eco 

At Redecor, we are passionate about creating beautiful and meaningful spaces. This Ocean Week, we are thrilled to announce our returning partnership with to raise awareness to a cause close to our hearts: saving the sea turtles. This initiative is not just about raising awareness but also about taking concrete steps towards preserving these adorable creatures and their habitats.

The Importance of Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are extraordinary animals that have roamed our oceans for millions of years and play an important role in maintaining the health of marinelife ecosystems by helping to  balance marine food webs and facilitate nutrient cycling from water to land.

Despite their importance, sea turtles face numerous threats, majority of which are human-induced. Some key threats include, habitat deconstruction, pollution, bycatch and poaching and illegal trade.

How Redecor and Are Making a Difference

This Ocean Week, Redecor and are collaborating to bring attention to the danger of sea turtles and to support conservation efforts., known for its commitment to environmental sustainability, brings expertise and dedication to our shared mission.

This isn’t the first time we are partnering with Our commitment to sustainability and environmental protection has led to several fruitful collaborations in the past. You can read about some of our other collaborations here.

Here’s How You Can Make a Difference! 

Thank you for being a part of the Redecor community and for supporting this important cause. Stay tuned for more updates and events throughout Ocean Week!

For more information about and their initiatives, visit

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