
Grow Your Own Limited Item!

15th Apr 2024

Hey Redecorators! We’re halfway through the Green Oasis Season, and the excitement continues to bloom!  

Right now, we’re in the midst of celebrating the ‘My Grass Is Green’ event—an ode to life’s simplest joys. It’s a reminder that with a little care and attention, anything can flourish beautifully! Remember, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. After all, it thrives where you water it!

This week, for the first time ever – get ready to witness the growth of your very own Limited Item – Lisa’s Cyclamen

Here’s how it works: Fill the bar 10 times by submitting Designs, and you’ll see your cyclamen grow and bloom before your eyes. Once it’s in full bloom, you can claim it as a Limited Item! 

The cyclamen must go through the following three stages: 

🌿 Stage 1: Seedling Sensation  

Watch as your plant begins its journey, laying the groundwork for the beauty that’s yet to come. 

🌷 Stage 2: Budding Beauty  

Witness your seedling’s transformation into a budding beauty, filled with promise and elegance. 

🌸 Stage 3: Cyclamen Cascade 

As your plant reaches its final stage, it will blossom into a radiant cyclamen that you can proudly claim as a Limited Item! 


In loving memory of our devoted player Lisa, whose passion for nature was unmatched, we ask you to share a photo of your fully bloomed plant in our Facebook Community Group as a tribute to her! 

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