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How to Create a Vision Board that Really Works

30th Jan 2023

Are you ready to manifest your dreams and bring them to life?

A vision board might be just the thing. In honor of Vision Board Day at Redecor, we're here to guide you through the process of crafting an incredible vision board that will turn your aspirations into reality.

Vision Board Dreams

But first, let’s talk about manifestation. It’s the practice of using your mind to make your goals and dreams a reality. By focusing on your desires and putting energy and intention into them, you can bring them to fruition. Mindfulness and meditation can also play a role in manifestation.

Vision Board Dreams

Vision boards are a visual representation of what you want to manifest. When you organize images and text in one place, whether it be digitally or physically, you can guide your future and stay motivated.

So, are you ready to create a vision board that will help you achieve your goals? And of course, we invite you to join us at Redecor for our vision board-themed challenges where you can get creative and inspired. Let’s manifest our lives together!.

Think Clearly Before You Begin

Before diving into creating your vision board, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your desires and aspirations. Take some time to sit with yourself, reflect, and meditate on where you see yourself in the future.

Dreaming Redecor

Whether it’s a specific career or company you want to work for, a desire to improve your current relationship or start a new one, or even a physical item like a new house or car, don’t hold back. Be specific and don’t censor yourself. Remember, the possibilities are endless when it comes to manifesting your dreams.

Figure out How the Vision Board will Exist

Now that you have a clear understanding of your ambitions and aspirations, it’s time to bring your vision board to life. You can create it physically by using a poster or digitally on a computer program. There are also various vision board generators available for purchase.

However, the method of creating your vision board is not as important as the content on it. Focus on what you want to bring into your life and let that guide the creation of your vision board.

Gather Your Images

Now that you’ve chosen how to create your vision board, it’s time to gather the images that will bring it to life. Whether you’ve decided to create your board on paper or digitally, there are plenty of options available to you. For paper boards, you can find images in magazines or print them online. For digital boards, you can gather images from the internet. When searching for images, focus on those that align with your goals.

Vision Board Cutouts

For example, if you’re looking to manifest a healthy romantic relationship, find images of couples that evoke the feelings you want to experience in your own relationship. Don’t be afraid to include text as well, and always trust your intuition – if an image speaks to you, save or cut it out for your vision board.

Arrange Your Images

It’s time to bring your vision board to life! Gather all of your images and start arranging them. There aren’t any hard and fast rules, but make sure each image is clearly visible. Some people like to create sections for different categories of what they want to manifest, such as physical objects, love, friendship, health, etc. However, the way you arrange your board is ultimately up to you. Keep in mind that you’ll be looking at your vision board often, so make sure it’s visually pleasing to you.

Put it Somewhere Visible

Creating a vision board is just the first step, to make it effective you need to view it daily. This will help keep your goals and aspirations at the forefront of your mind and inspire action in your life. If your vision board is digital, consider setting it as the wallpaper on your phone or computer. If it’s physical, place it somewhere where you can see it every day, like on the back of your front door, your mirror, or on the fridge.

Really Focus on It

Creating a vision board is important, but to truly manifest what you really want, you must put intention and focus into it. Take time each day to look at it, and do a short meditation, focusing on the feelings and emotions you will have when you achieve your goals.

Vision Board Images

Leave Some Space for Updates

Remember that your vision board is not a one-time creation, but rather a living and dynamic tool that can be updated and changed as your goals and aspirations evolve. Leave some empty space on the board so you can easily make updates and add new elements as needed. This will allow you to adapt your vision board to align with your ever-changing future.

With these tips and tricks, you’re now equipped to create a powerful vision board that can help turn your desires into reality. By taking the time to focus, envision your future, and gather all your dreams in one place, your vision board can serve as a powerful tool for manifestation.

Don’t forget to check out the vision board challenges on Redecor 30th of January for inspiration and ideas!
And, head to our Facebook group to share with us the top thing you want to manifest for 2023. We’re certain it’ll help it come true!

And for those of you paying attention, here is a duel code to redeem: JTDM-K7EE

Vision Board


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